Your Cancer Journey…

There is no right or wrong way to be with cancer, just different ways.  Each cancer experience is unique.

Explore the trials and tribulations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your journey, and what life looks like or means for you from your own direct experience or witnessing and supporting of another’s cancer journey.

You may have recently been diagnosed with cancer, be undergoing treatment, in remission, or a cancer survivor.  You may be a carer to a loved one, friend or patient with cancer.  You may have said good-bye to a loved one of cancer. Whether you have received a cancer diagnosis or are a witness to someone near you who has, hearing the diagnosis for the first time takes time to process.

If you or a loved one is touched by cancer, compassionate and empathetic support is available.  With lived, direct experience of the cancer journey, not only as a survivor but also as someone who has cared for and said goodbye to loved ones of cancer.

No medical advice or assumptions of a cure for cancer, is given or supported.